• Moartea lui George Floyd a stârnit o revoltă şi în social media
  • Celebrităţile au comentat acest incident ca fiind un act de rasism
  • Lebron James este afectat de moartea lui George. ,,De ce America nu ne iubeşte şi pe noi?“, a fost mesajul lui pe Instagram Story

Știi deja că moartea lui George Floyd a stârnit proteste în întreaga lume. Și în social media oamenii sunt revoltați, mai multe celebrități fiind revoltate de moartea bărbatului, iar asta au arătat-o prin postările făcute pe Instagram.

Spre exemplu, Lebron James a postat pe Insta Story un mesaj înduioşător: ,,De ce America nu ne iubeşte şi pe noi?“.

Billie Eilish a scris: ,,Mi-aş dori ca America să iubească oamenii de culoare aşa cum le iubesc cultura“. Tot Billie a mai postat o fotografie cu mesajul ,,Oamenii de culoare contează“.


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Nici modelul Naomi Campbell nu s-a abţinut. ,,Oamenii de culoare nu sunt duşmanii voştri“, a scris ea.

Gigi Hadid vede acest act de violenţă ca o dovadă a rasismului: ,,Rasismul nu se înrăutăţeşte, ci este filmat“.

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Enraged. Sickened. Heartbroken. But never surprised. This happens way too often – and the videos that go viral are not isolated events. It seems that only when caught on camera are bigots & MURDERERS even getting “investigated” or fired .. unfortunately, the only way things will start changing is if all these racist, ignorant, monsters (badge &/or not) have to face the consequences- behind bars. && it’s not only an issue with black men being killed by cops … it’s an issue every time we see them being treated, in even non-violent situations, VERY CLEARLY differently than many very-high-risk incidents involving white men; it’s an issue that the President is making dangerous public statements about enforcing the shooting of protesters -rightfully angered by another UNNEEDED KILLING of another black person & DEMANDING JUSTICE WHERE IT IS 100% NEEDED- while exactly 28 days earlier, he tweeted about white protesters, who stood ARMED WITH GUNS protesting a WORLDWIDE HEALTH PANDEMIC as “very good people” urging the Governor to “See them, talk to them, make a deal.” ?????????? This is, too, an issue about the “Karen’s” we see filmed weekly- using someone’s race, as a point to try and push their agenda, while calling the police in situations where their lives are clearly not actually in danger at all….. they’re just plain f***ing racist. EVERY. TIME. feels more disheartening and nauseating because our cries for the Government and Americans to do better seem unheard; but even when we feel like what we do isn’t enough or can’t help, we have to do more. Keep signing petitions, making calls to demand justice, speaking out (this is not just if you have a big platform- it starts in your homes and communities), and fighting to make a difference for every life that has been wrongly taken or effected by THE PANDEMIC OF RACISM. THIS IS ABOUT BEING AGAINST EVERY SENSELESS ACT OF DISCRIMINATION THAT BURDENS THIS COUNTRY.

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Și Rihanna protestează prin postări, iar Cardi B spune că America nu e deloc pământul libertăţii.

,,Nu pot să îmi scot din minte imaginea cu genunchiul pe gâtul lui“, a scris Oprah pe contul ei de Instagram.