Studenții la medicină din Cambridge sunt primii din lume care învață cu pacienți holografici

Ferrari Press Agency VR 1 Ref 13836 06/04/2022 See Ferrari text Pictures must credit: gameChange / OCAP People with agoraphobia, the fear of being outside, have been successfully treated with a breakthrough use of virtual reality technology.Patients put on a headset showing them scenes such as shops and busy streets where they would usually fear to tread.They are the guided by a virtual coach who explains the world they sea and helps assuage any fears of being out of their homes.In addition to taking them outside into the world without physically doing so, there is no need for a real-life therapist, meaning the treatment can reach many more patients.In the largest ever clinical trial of VR for mental health, published in The Lancet Psychiatry, the automated therapy was shown to work well for patients diagnosed with psychosis. The biggest benefits were experienced by those with the most challenging psychological problems.The VR programme is called gameChange and was developed by a multi-partner team of university, health and industry experts.This included OxfordVR, a spinout company from the UK’s prestigious Oxford University which created the immersive technology.The research targets a problem that is common in people diagnosed with psychosis: intense fears about being outside in everyday situations. OPS: Image from the gameChange VR treatment. Using gameChange with a virtual reality headset Picture supplied by Ferrari

Studenții la medicină din Cambridge sunt primii din lume care învață cu pacienți holografici, potrivit The Independent.

Studenții de la Spitalul Addenbrooke’s folosesc un sistem de instruire numit HoloScenarios, care permite predarea și învățarea cu holograme asemănătoare vieții, accesibile de oriunde din lume.

Prin această tehnică revoluționară, viitorii medici poartă căști de realitate mixtă, care le permit să se vadă unii pe alții și, în același timp, să interacționeze cu pacienți virtuali multistratificați, cu o acuratețe medicală precisă.

Cei care studiază la Universitatea din Cambridge urmează să parcurgă mai multe module cu ajutorul acestei tehnologii, axate pe urgențe respiratorii, cardiologice și neurologice.

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