Germania ar putea impune restricții dure de intrare în țară, pentru a preveni răspândirea noilor tulpini ale Covid

April 24, 2017 - MüNchen-Flughafen, Bayern, Germany - Police polizei The fifth deportation flight of approximately 100 Afghan refugees took off from the Munich International Airport amid a protest in the terminal by approximately 105 demonstrators . In 2016, the interior ministry of Germany declared Afghanistan “a safe country of origin”, despite terror attacks and deaths due to violence and attacks spiking for the year. Speakers included Margarete Bause, a parliamentarian with the Green Party, Matthias Wenzerl and Stephan Duennwald of the Bayerischer Fluechtlingsrat (Bavarian Refugee Council)..Furthermore, the German consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif of the Balkh Province was stormed by Taliban fighters and heavily damaged by a car bombing in Nov. 10, 2016. Germany has specifically named this region as “safe”. On 21 April 2017, a planned attack by the Taliban killed over 100 people at Camp Shaheen, the Afghan Army base in Mazar-i-Sharif. To domestic and international ridicule the German government’s Auswaeriges Amt (external office) issued a travel warning against Afghanistan due to security concerns. Several states in Germany have stopped deportations to Afghanistan on the grounds of questionable safety in the country. Among deportees were actors, artists, and the persecuted Afghan Hindus. An Afghan Jew, Mobin N. is currently in Synagogue-Asylum, as he was set to be deported on Feb 23. These two cases illustrate that Germany is not evaluating the refugee process on a case by case basis, as is required by international laws..The first two deportations were from Frankfurt, with the last three from Munich, following the sharpening of the CSU’s asylum politics and fast-tracking of deportations. It has been alleged, that there were irregularities in the behavior from BAMF (Bundesamt fuer Migration und Fluechtlinge), such as organizing appointments for refugees during which they were arrested and set for deportation without being allowed appeals. In at,Image: 330084528, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Guvernul german discută despre reducerea spre zero a numărului de zboruri care ajung în țară, în încercarea de a preveni răspândirea noilor variante ale coronavirusului.

Declarația aparține ministrului de Interne Horst Seehofer pentru ziarul Bild. Alte măsuri luate în considerare sunt închiderea frontierelor către regiunile în care noile tulpinile sunt mai răspândite.

Israelul, exemplu pentru Germania

Conform Bild, cancelarul Angela Merkel i-a cerut lui Seehofer să examineze modalitățile prin care se poate reduce rata de infectare cu noile tulpini.

„Riscul pe care îl prezintă aceste mutații ne cere să luăm în considerare chiar și măsuri drastice”, a spus Seehofer: „Acestea includ controale mai stricte la frontieră, în special la frontierele cu regiunile cu risc ridicat, dar și o reducere a traficului aerian către Germania până la aproape zero, așa cum face Israelul”.

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