OMS: Atacurile asupra spitalelor au devenit parte din strategia și tactica de război

March 9, 2022, Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine: VIDEO AVAILABLE: CONTACT INFO@COVERMG.COM..These images and video shows the shocking aftermath of a Russian airstrike on a maternity hospital in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol on Wednesday (09March2022)..According the governor of the Donetsk region said 17 people, including women in labour, were injured in the airstrike..He claimed the airstrike happened during an agreed ceasefire period designed to allow civilians to escape from the besieged southern Ukrainian city..Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is based in the capital of Kyiv, claimed children were buried in the rubble..“Mariupol,” he wrote. “Direct strike of Russian troops at the maternity hospital. People, children are under the wreckage. Atrocity! How much longer will the world be an accomplice ignoring terror? Close the sky right now! Stop the killings! You have power but you seem to be losing humanity.”.Mariupol City Council officials, who posted this footage on the Telegram social network, reported the maternity and children's hospital had been destroyed, adding that they did not know any casualty figures..In the grounds of the hospital there is a huge crater, estimated to be about 20ft deep and 30ft wide. .Mariupol has been the scene of some of the most fierce fighting of Russia’s war against Ukraine to date - as it has held out against continued shelling and airstrikes from Russian forces. Civilians have gone without electricity for several days. It sits on Ukraine’s Seaof Azov coast - in a region largely in the control of Russian troops...Where: Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine.When: 09 Mar 2022.Credit: Mariupol City Council/Cover Images..**EDITORIAL USE ONLY. MATERIALS ONLY TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH EDITORIAL STORY. THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS FOR ADVERTISING, MARKETING OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL PURPOSE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. MATERIAL COPYRIGHT REMAINS WITH Donetsk Oblast (Credit Image: © Cover Im

Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (OMS) a raportat 43 de atacuri direcționate asupra spitalelor și instituțiilor medicale din Ucraina.

Directorul executiv al programului OMS pentru situații de urgență medicală, dr. Mike Ryan, spune că atacurile inacceptabile asupra unităților medicale „devin parte din strategia și tactica războiului”.

Sistemul de sănătate din Ucraina se echilibrează la limită. Funcționează eficient, dar trebuie susținut, trebuie asigurat, trebuie să i se ofere instrumentele de bază pentru a salva vieți”, a declarat dr. Mike Ryan.

În alte conflicte, unitățile sanitare au fost și ele ținta atacurilor. OMS a raportat 46 de astfel de atacuri în timpul conflictelor armate din Afganistan, Burkina Faso, Republica Democrată Congo, Libia și alte țări.

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