UE convine asupra unor noi sancțiuni împotriva Iranului pentru că a livrat drone Rusiei

Iran’s Islamic Republic Army has started nationwide of a series of drone exercises across the country amid fears that the country may look to export them to countries such as Russia. The military exercises that commenced on August 24, dozens of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will be sent from different points and bases from distances of up to 1,000 kilometers away, including underground drone bases, to carry out their missions. In recent years, Iran has become a prolific drone producer. Its fleet includes long-endurance surveillance and attack platforms like the Shahed-129, so-called “suicide” drones that are effectively slow cruise missiles, and stealth drones for penetrating well-defended airspace. Iran has also supplied UAVs to its proxies in the Middle East and employed them during reconnaissance, sabotage, and attack missions in the region. Some Western officials fear Iranian-made drones could end up in the hands of Russia, which is facing Western sanctions and international isolation because of its war in Ukraine. Iran. 25/°8/2022 Photo by SalamPix/ABACAPRESS.COM

Consiliul UE a adoptat astăzi sancţiuni împotriva a trei soldaţi iranieni şi a unei companii pentru culpa de a fi furnizat drone Rusiei, care le foloseşte împotriva Ucrainei.

Cei sancţionaţi sunt un general-maior, Mohammed Hossein Bagheri, şeful de stat major al Forţelor Armate iraniene, care supraveghează programul de avioane militare fără pilot al Iranului, un general şi un general de brigadă.

A fost sancţionată şi Shahed Aviation Industries, care dezvoltă dronele Shahed, furnizate Moscovei şi folosite împotriva Kievului.

Pedepsiţii sunt afectaţi de îngheţarea oricăror bunuri deţinute în UE, de interdicţia de a călători în UE şi de interdicţia de finanţare de către entităţile UE.

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