Coasta de Est a SUA a rămas fără internet. New York și Washington sunt afectate. Reacția companiei Verizon


. Only for use in story about Peter Garritano's photo project. Editorial Use Only. STRICTLY not stock, no books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission (5416681n) Fiber optic cables enter and exit carrier hotels through underground vaults. Some of these cables run local connections, others are on their way to eventually cross the Atlantic. The Internet: Photographer documents the largest hubs of global internet infrastructure, Manhattan, New York, America - Nov 2015 FULL COPY: **STRICTLY not stock* Quietly tucked away in a few unassuming buildings in lower Manhattan, massive flows of data pulse through some of the world's largest hubs of global internet infrastructure. 60 Hudson st, originally built as Western Union's headquarters in 1930, is among such facilities dotted throughout New York captured in a fascinating photo project by Peter Garritano. He has documented five so-called 'carrier hotels' where many web networks converge to form a single, larger network. In a sub-basement, redundant utility equipment and diesel fuel are stored for disaster recovery, while an electrical substation transforms incoming voltage and distributes power through a building. 20-cylinder diesel engines kick on to keep systems running if primary utilities fail. "On a basic level, I hope this series can help communicate that reality and illustrate the various systems required for the Internet to function," Peter says.,Image: 267404496, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: MANDATORY CREDIT: Peter Garritano/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in story about Peter Garritano's photo project. Editorial Use Only. STRICTLY not stock, no books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission, Model Release: no

Semnalul Internet este întrerupt, marţi, în mai multe zone situate pe Coasta de Est a Statelor Unite, din cauza unei defecţiuni, informează agenţia Reuters.

Numeroase persoane au semnalat că nu au semnal Internet şi nu îşi pot începe activităţile de lucru.

Compania Verizon Communications Inc a anunţat că un cablu de fibră optică este secţionat în zona Brooklyn din New York. Nu este clar cât timp vor dura lucrările de remediere a problemei.

De asemenea, nu este clar dacă problema semnalată de Verizon Communications este singura cauză a lipsei semnalului Internet.

Cele mai afectate zone sunt în nord-estul Statelor Unite. Potrivit ABC News, au fost semnalate probleme în zona cuprinsă între oraşele Washington şi Boston. Sunt afectaţi furnizorii de servicii Internet şi cloud, precum şi platforme online precum Google şi Facebook.

Problemele au început la ora 11.25 (18.25, ora României), a declarat Doug Madory, director în cadrul companiei de monitorizare Kentic.

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