Ucraina acuză forțele rusești de răpirea șefului adjunct al centralei din Zaporojie

Handout photo dated September 2, 2022 shows the IAEA Support and Assistance Mission to Zaporizhzhya (ISAMZ) arrives at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in Ukraine, comprising IAEA nuclear safety, security, and safeguards staff. The chief of the UN's nuclear watchdog said six inspectors remain at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant and that he plans to issue a report on the safety of the Russian-held site next week, even as heavy fighting was reported near Europe's largest nuclear facility. Rafael Grossi, who led a 14-member team to the plant, said late on September 2 that the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) on-site presence will be reduce to two staff members next week and that they would remain there for the longer term. Photo by IAEA via ABACAPRESS.COM

Şeful adjunct al centralei nucleare Zaporojie, ocupată de ruşi, a fost răpit de forţele ruse şi este reţinut într-o locaţie necunoscută, a anunţat compania de stat de energie nucleară din Ucraina Energoatom.

Într-o postare pe aplicaţia de mesagerie Telegram, Energoatom a spus că oficialul, Valeriy Martynyuk, a fost capturat luni. Informaţia a fost preluată şi de Reuters.

Cea mai mare parte a regiunii Zapoojie, inclusiv centrala nucleară, se află sub controlul Rusiei încă din primele zile ale invaziei Rusiei din februarie. 

Cu toate acestea, capitala regiunii, oraşul Zaporojie, rămâne sub control ucrainean. 

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